ADS the leading solutions provider of records management services to all offices of Florida Government. We have been on State Contract for nearly a decade.
With a client focus on City, County and Agency government, ADS has provided electronic document management services to hundreds of government departments. This is what we do and who we are. We have completed huge back-file conversion projects involving microfilm / microfiche records, bi-tonal / color / grayscale wide format blueprints and drawings and related hard copy paper records from all municipal departments. We don’t outsource our outsourcing; we are always the prime and only contractor involved in the services offered.
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ADS operates three shifts of employees with 25 production and 5 wide format scanners from our owner-occupied 12,000 square foot facility in Tampa Bay. Our throughput is the highest in Florida processing up to 1,500 boxes of records monthly. We also own and operate three Microfilm / Microfiche Conversion machines with a throughput of millions of images monthly.
We have the strongest expertise within the municipal area of document imaging in the State of Florida.
We specialize in the conversion of historical paper documents to Group IV TIFF and/or PDF files always at resolutions of 300 dpi or higher. Full Text OCR Search or detailed indexing is also provided.
As the Florida Department of State recently approved the acceptance of the Portable Document Format (pdf) file type in addition to Tagged Image File Format (tiff) file types for electronic recordkeeping. ADS provides file conversion services to entities migrating to this additional standard.
We have provided conversion services to over 100 Building and Growth Management Departments within the states of Florida and Georgia. We operate three shifts using five wide format scanners and 25 small format production scanners to accommodate our clients’ conversion deadlines. Our scan operators are fully trained and skilled in the conversion of small and wide format print and paper conversion to include Color, Black and White, Stock Paper and Mylar print scanning. We scan to any standard file format at all required resolutions. Further, we integrate with most Records Management Systems and are trained to assist in index naming conventions consistent with current retrieval methods and “best practice” indexing schemes within the government sector.
We specializes in conversion services for both small and large Planning and Zoning Departments. We understand the challenges involved in the conversion of Historical Plat Maps to include color and grayscale scanning of older documents which have been manually annotated throughout the years. We are particularly sensitive to the historical and fragile nature of such documents and often utilize handling procedures to insure such records are not damaged during the conversion process. We also perform “make-ready” repairs to capture 100% of the available information when dealing with torn or damaged records.
We have been providing conversion services to Code Enforcement and Police Departments for over a decade. We understand the record retention requirements for these government offices are quite different from most others. A Master File compared to a Complaint File obviously has different retention guidelines. Comparably, the same holds true with a Homicide File compared to a Grand Theft File. Within Police Records, files should also be categorized between Felony, Misdemeanor and Juvenile with different retention and security measures established. Accordingly, we design Folders / Directories, Index Schemes and Passwords so that such records can easily be archived off of Records Management Systems upon expiration. We scan to both pdf and tiff file format in full compliance with Florida Department of State Guidelines. We integrate with most Records Management Systems and are trained to assist in index naming conventions consistent with current retrieval methods and “best practice” indexing schemes within the government sector.
Within the Clerk of Court Offices, we realize that most records are historical and delicate. They often have infinite retention periods. We are particularly sensitive to the historical and fragile nature of such documents and utilize special handling procedures to insure such records are not damaged during the conversion process. We also perform “make-ready” repairs to capture 100% of the available information when dealing with torn or damaged records. In addition to paper records, we specialize in the conversion of data previously converted to Microfilm and Microfiche. We convert millions of such images annually at competitive prices and completely in-house.